General knowledge of Rovinari the city of Romania

Mostly asked questions about Rovinari

What is the state/province of Rovinari ?

What is the country name of Rovinari ?

What are geo coordinates of Rovinari ?

What are the latitude and logitude of Rovinari ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Rovinari

Answer of first question is Rovinari blongs to state/province Gorj County. Second answer which must know everyone for their general knowledge, Rovinari blongs to Romania and Bucharest is capital city of Romania its ISO2 is RO, It uses RON as its currency symbol. Third answer is very important that mostly used to trace any city of the world on the google maps or other world map applications by their latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude of Rovinari are 44.91667000 and 23.18333000 respectively, by using this information in different world maps applications you can get exact location of Rovinari on the world map with complete details as shown below in the last.

City Name Rovinari
Latitude 44.91667000
Longitude 23.18333000
State/Province Name Gorj County
numOfCitiesInState {stateName} 161
Country Name flag of RO Romania
Country Code RO
Country Capital Bucharest
Currency Code & ISO3 RON
Country Phone Code 40
Total States of Country 41
Total Cities of Country 7471