General knowledge of Pirkanmaa the state/province of Finland

Mostly asked questions about the province Pirkanmaa

What is the country of Pirkanmaa ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Pirkanmaa ?

How many cities are in the state Pirkanmaa ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Pirkanmaa ?

What are the name of cities of Pirkanmaa ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Pirkanmaa

First question is about the country which is Finland and FI is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Pirkanmaa there is only 25 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Pirkanmaa by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Pirkanmaa
Country Name flag of FI Finland
Country Code FI
Total States of Finland 21
Total Cities of State 25

All Cities of Pirkanmaa

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Iisalmi 63.55915000 27.19067000
2 Juankoski 63.06667000 28.35000000
3 Kaavi 62.98333000 28.50000000
4 Kangaslampi 62.29563000 28.25289000
5 Karttula 62.89630000 26.97045000
6 Keitele 63.18333000 26.36667000
7 Kiuruvesi 63.65000000 26.61667000
8 Kuopio 62.89238000 27.67703000
9 Lapinlahti 63.36667000 27.40000000
10 Leppävirta 62.49009000 27.78262000
11 Maaninka 63.15523000 27.29939000
12 Nilsiä 63.20746000 28.08222000
13 Pielavesi 63.23333000 26.75000000
14 Rautalampi 62.63333000 26.83333000
15 Rautavaara 63.48333000 28.30000000
16 Siilinjärvi 63.08333000 27.66667000
17 Sonkajärvi 63.66667000 27.51667000
18 Suonenjoki 62.61667000 27.13333000
19 Tervo 62.95000000 26.75000000
20 Tuusniemi 62.81667000 28.50000000
21 Varkaus 62.31533000 27.87300000
22 Varpaisjärvi 63.35932000 27.75506000
23 Vehmersalmi 62.76101000 28.02853000
24 Vesanto 62.93333000 26.41667000
25 Vieremä 63.75000000 27.01667000