Mike Bourgon, Senior VP Human Resources at evolenthealth.com

Contact detail of marketing person for Evolent Health. It is really helpful to use as B2B potential business leads data for United States.

Linkedin B2B Data is the fuel for your business, customer acquisition and retention. It can help your business to identify new sales leads data for Senior VP Human Resources.

B2B Linkedin profile data contains many executives, companies, industries information in United States with useful columns in each row as you can see the following contact detail of Mike Bourgon

Profession Detail

Full Name Mike Bourgon
Job Title Senior VP Human Resources
Email ***@valencehealth.com
Phone Number ***
State/Province Chicago
Country United States
Linkedin ***

Company Information

Name Evolent Health
Phone ***
Website evolenthealth.com

Social Links

Twitter http://twitter.com/EvolentHealth
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/evolenthealth
Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/company/2456776

If you are interested to buy 8874495 Linkedin profiles data in CSV format, email us at [email protected]