General knowledge of Cameroon

Mostly asked questions about Cameroon

What is the capital city name of Cameroon ?

How many state/provinces in Cameroon ?

How many cities in Cameroon ?

What is the currency code of Cameroon ?

What is ISO2 of Cameroon ?

What is ISO3 of Cameroon ?

What is dialing/calling code of Cameroon ?

What are the latitude and logitude of Cameroon ?

What are geo coordinates of Cameroon ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Cameroon

All above asked questions are very important for everyone, to keep strong your general knowledge you must know the answers of all above questions. Our best database gives the answers of these questions, answer of first asked question is very simple Yaounde is the capital city of Cameroon. Second answer, there are 10 states in Cameroon. Answer of 3rd questions is that there is only 139 cities in Cameroon. Fourth asked question is about currency no doubt which is backbone of every country, so XAF is the currency code of Cameroon its ISO2 is CM, as well as its ISO3 is CMR, and 237 is its phone/calling code. Last question is very important that's answer is mostly used to trace any country of the world on the google maps or other world map applications by their latitude and longitude which are also known as geo coordinates. The latitude and longitude of Cameroon are null and null respectively, by using this information in world map applications you can get exact location of Cameroon on world map with complete details as shown below in details.

Flag flag of CM
Country Name Cameroon
Country Code (ISO3) CMR
Country Code (ISO2) CM
Capital City Yaounde
Currency Code XAF
Dialing Code 237
Total States/Province 10
Total cities 139

All States/Provinces of Cameroon and their cities

State No. State/Province No. of Cities
1 Adamawa 12
2 Centre 26
3 East 11
4 Far North 12
5 Littoral 16
6 North 10
7 Northwest 13
8 South 8
9 Southwest 14
10 West 17