General knowledge of Galicia the state/province of Spain

Mostly asked questions about the province Galicia

What is the country of Galicia ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Galicia ?

How many cities are in the state Galicia ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Galicia ?

What are the name of cities of Galicia ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Galicia

First question is about the country which is Spain and ES is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Galicia there is only 227 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Galicia by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Galicia
Country Name flag of ES Spain
Country Code ES
Total States of Spain 64
Total Cities of State 227

All Cities of Galicia

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 A Baña 42.96180000 -8.75784000
2 A Coruña 43.37135000 -8.39600000
3 A Estrada 42.68911000 -8.48842000
4 A Pobra do Brollon 42.55612000 -7.39140000
5 A Pobra do Caramiñal 42.60295000 -8.93824000
6 A Rúa 42.40048000 -7.10268000
7 Abadín 43.36667000 -7.48333000
8 Abegondo 43.21667000 -8.28333000
9 Allariz 42.19044000 -7.80175000
10 Amés 42.90426000 -8.65551000
11 Ambía 42.20578000 -7.73707000
12 Amoeiro 42.41667000 -7.95000000
13 Aranga 43.23469000 -8.01705000
14 Arbo 42.11667000 -8.31667000
15 Ares 43.42995000 -8.24254000
16 Arteixo 43.30482000 -8.50749000
17 Arzúa 42.93333000 -8.15000000
18 As Pontes de García Rodríguez 43.45266000 -7.85178000
19 Avión 42.38333000 -8.25000000
20 Baños de Molgas 42.24148000 -7.67223000
21 Baiona 42.11667000 -8.85000000
22 Baltar 41.95200000 -7.71581000
23 Bande 42.03120000 -7.97489000
24 Baralla 42.89207000 -7.25492000
25 Barreiros 43.53321000 -7.23342000
26 Beade 42.33074000 -8.12950000
27 Becerreá 42.85610000 -7.16360000
28 Begonte 43.15121000 -7.68643000
29 Bergondo 43.31667000 -8.23333000
30 Betanzos 43.28042000 -8.21467000
31 Blancos 41.99652000 -7.75175000
32 Boborás 42.43332000 -8.14431000
33 Boimorto 43.00000000 -8.13333000
34 Boiro 42.64725000 -8.88459000
35 Bueu 42.32458000 -8.78497000
36 Burela de Cabo 43.65000000 -7.40000000
37 Caldas de Reis 42.60473000 -8.64230000
38 Calvos 41.94790000 -7.89604000
39 Camariñas 43.13115000 -9.18172000
40 Cambados 42.51222000 -8.81310000
41 Cambre 43.29438000 -8.34736000
42 Cangas do Morrazo 42.26413000 -8.78463000
43 Carballeda de Avia 42.32140000 -8.16456000
44 Carballo 43.21300000 -8.69104000
45 Cariño 43.74134000 -7.86715000
46 Carnota 42.82330000 -9.08913000
47 Carral 43.22860000 -8.35545000
48 Cartelle 42.25109000 -8.07062000
49 Castrelo de Miño 42.29798000 -8.06697000
50 Castro 42.76667000 -7.58333000
51 Castro Caldelas 42.37366000 -7.42578000
52 Castro de Rei 43.20866000 -7.40026000
53 Castroverde 43.03020000 -7.32428000
54 Catoira 42.66748000 -8.72323000
55 Cea 42.47490000 -7.98739000
56 Cedeira 43.66044000 -8.05719000
57 Cee 42.95466000 -9.18800000
58 Celanova 42.15303000 -7.95513000
59 Cenlle 42.34183000 -8.08982000
60 Cerdido 43.62063000 -7.99959000
61 Cervo 43.67019000 -7.41013000
62 Cesuras 43.17282000 -8.20061000
63 Chantada 42.60876000 -7.77115000
64 Coirós 43.25000000 -8.16667000
65 Coles 42.40000000 -7.83333000
66 Combarro 42.43188000 -8.70649000
67 Corcubión 42.94414000 -9.19260000
68 Corgo 42.94434000 -7.43140000
69 Coristanco 43.20000000 -8.75000000
70 Covelo 42.23333000 -8.35000000
71 Cualedro 41.98897000 -7.59464000
72 Culleredo 43.28788000 -8.38858000
73 Cuntis 42.63396000 -8.56256000
74 Curtis 43.12374000 -8.14818000
75 Dozón 42.58333000 -8.01667000
76 Dumbría 43.00836000 -9.11328000
77 Entrimo 41.93297000 -8.11725000
78 Esgos 42.32549000 -7.69691000
79 Fene 43.45000000 -8.15000000
80 Ferrol 43.48961000 -8.21940000
81 Fisterra 42.90492000 -9.26289000
82 Fonsagrada 43.12398000 -7.06790000
83 Fornelos de Montes 42.34126000 -8.45291000
84 Foz 43.56920000 -7.25441000
85 Friol 43.03213000 -7.79514000
86 Gondomar 42.11155000 -8.74971000
87 Guitiriz 43.18169000 -7.89656000
88 Illa de Arousa 42.56376000 -8.87258000
89 Irixoa 43.28470000 -8.05916000
90 Lalín 42.66085000 -8.11285000
91 Lama 42.40000000 -8.43333000
92 Laracha 43.25375000 -8.58535000
93 Laza 42.06136000 -7.46200000
94 Láncara 42.86425000 -7.33667000
95 Lobios 42.40746000 -7.53164000
96 Lousame 42.76477000 -8.84926000
97 Lugo 43.00992000 -7.55602000
98 Luintra 42.40964000 -7.72682000
99 Maceda 42.26972000 -7.65052000
100 Malpica 43.32280000 -8.81052000
101 Manzaneda 42.30962000 -7.23209000
102 Marín 42.39145000 -8.70136000
103 Maside 42.41031000 -8.02582000
104 Mazaricos 42.94033000 -8.97187000
105 Meaño 42.44661000 -8.78122000
106 Meira 43.21337000 -7.29372000
107 Meis 42.50000000 -8.75000000
108 Melón 42.26016000 -8.21400000
109 Mesia 43.10000000 -8.26667000
110 Miño 43.35000000 -8.20000000
111 Moaña 42.27807000 -8.73921000
112 Moeche 43.55000000 -8.01667000
113 Mondariz 42.23110000 -8.45839000
114 Mondariz-Balneario 42.22686000 -8.46728000
115 Mondoñedo 43.40000000 -7.40000000
116 Monfero 43.33333000 -8.01667000
117 Monforte de Lemos 42.52165000 -7.51422000
118 Montederramo 42.27554000 -7.50138000
119 Monterroso 42.79250000 -7.83425000
120 Moraña 42.55000000 -8.58333000
121 Mos 43.15667000 -7.55047000
122 Mugardos 43.46040000 -8.25507000
123 Mugia 43.10414000 -9.21791000
124 Muiños 41.95609000 -7.97396000
125 Muras 43.46685000 -7.72383000
126 Muros 42.77617000 -9.06032000
127 Narón 43.50175000 -8.19082000
128 Navia de Suarna 42.96667000 -7.00000000
129 Negreira 42.90402000 -8.74273000
130 Nigrán 42.14153000 -8.80656000
131 Nogueira de Ramuín 42.41712000 -7.74982000
132 O Barco de Valdeorras 42.41642000 -6.99005000
133 O Carballiño 42.43163000 -8.07899000
134 O Grove 42.49444000 -8.86502000
135 O Incio 42.63333000 -7.35000000
136 O Páramo 42.95000000 -7.30000000
137 O Rosal 41.93536000 -8.83677000
138 Oia 42.00000000 -8.86667000
139 Oimbra 41.88554000 -7.47216000
140 Oleiros 43.33333000 -8.31667000
141 Ordes 43.07654000 -8.40900000
142 Oroso 42.98333000 -8.43333000
143 Ourense 42.33669000 -7.86407000
144 Ourol 42.87013000 -7.61447000
145 Outeiro 43.14458000 -7.29212000
146 Outeiro de Rei 43.10198000 -7.61497000
147 Outes 42.86189000 -8.90181000
148 Padrón 42.73875000 -8.66057000
149 Padrenda 42.13333000 -8.15000000
150 Palmeira 42.58333000 -8.95000000
151 Pantón 42.51667000 -7.60000000
152 Paradela 42.76667000 -7.56667000
153 Pastoriza 43.33333000 -8.46667000
154 Pereiro de Aguiar 42.34524000 -7.80008000
155 Petín 42.38191000 -7.12899000
156 Piñor 42.50120000 -8.00151000
157 Pobra de Trives 42.33932000 -7.25338000
158 Poio 42.44775000 -8.68594000
159 Ponteareas 42.17476000 -8.50398000
160 Pontevedra 42.43100000 -8.64435000
161 Porqueira 42.01667000 -7.85000000
162 Porriño 42.16156000 -8.61980000
163 Portas 42.58531000 -8.65573000
164 Porto do Son 42.72482000 -9.00527000
165 Portomarín 42.80620000 -7.61644000
166 Portonovo 42.39424000 -8.82563000
167 Provincia da Coruña 43.16667000 -8.41667000
168 Provincia de Lugo 43.00000000 -7.50000000
169 Provincia de Ourense 42.16667000 -7.50000000
170 Provincia de Pontevedra 42.50000000 -8.50000000
171 Puente Nuevo 43.34948000 -7.19458000
172 Quintela de Leirado 42.13967000 -8.10126000
173 Quiroga 42.47678000 -7.27463000
174 Rairiz de Veiga 42.08364000 -7.83503000
175 Rábade 43.11700000 -7.61714000
176 Ríotorto 43.35000000 -7.23333000
177 Redondela 42.28337000 -8.60960000
178 Rianxo 42.64977000 -8.81763000
179 Riós 41.97457000 -7.28234000
180 Ribadavia 42.28804000 -8.14362000
181 Ribadeo 43.53704000 -7.04095000
182 Ribadumia 42.51667000 -8.75000000
183 Ribeira 42.74611000 -8.44392000
184 Rodeiro 42.65193000 -7.95519000
185 Sada 43.35619000 -8.25796000
186 Salvatierra de Miño 42.08333000 -8.50000000
187 Samos 42.73100000 -7.32582000
188 San Amaro 42.37385000 -8.07347000
189 San Román 42.86932000 -7.06261000
190 Santa Comba 43.03306000 -8.80925000
191 Santa Marta de Ortigueira 43.68333000 -7.85000000
192 Santa Uxía de Ribeira 42.55352000 -8.99094000
193 Santiago de Compostela 42.88052000 -8.54569000
194 Santiso 42.87388000 -8.05497000
195 Sanxenxo 42.39996000 -8.80698000
196 Sarreaus 42.08784000 -7.60348000
197 Sarria 42.78148000 -7.41431000
198 Silleda 42.69605000 -8.24653000
199 Sober 42.46127000 -7.58640000
200 Sobradelo 42.58333000 -8.78333000
201 Sobrado 43.03882000 -8.02784000
202 Somozas 43.53333000 -7.93333000
203 Taboada 42.69900000 -7.82298000
204 Taboadela 42.24234000 -7.82719000
205 Teo 42.75000000 -8.50000000
206 Toén 42.31765000 -7.95435000
207 Tomiño 41.98772000 -8.75502000
208 Touro 42.86812000 -8.30764000
209 Trabada 43.44475000 -7.19527000
210 Trasmiras 42.02540000 -7.61735000
211 Trazo 43.01667000 -8.53333000
212 Tui 42.04713000 -8.64435000
213 Valdoviño 43.60000000 -8.13333000
214 Valga 42.69792000 -8.63959000
215 Vedra 42.77817000 -8.47636000
216 Verín 41.94149000 -7.43809000
217 Verea 42.10653000 -8.00092000
218 Vigo 42.23282000 -8.72264000
219 Vilagarcía de Arousa 42.59631000 -8.76426000
220 Vilalba 43.29806000 -7.68130000
221 Vilanova de Arousa 42.56400000 -8.82797000
222 Vilasantar 43.07106000 -8.12163000
223 Vilaxoán 42.58353000 -8.79353000
224 Vimianzo 43.10988000 -9.03351000
225 Viveiro 43.66228000 -7.59344000
226 Xinzo de Limia 42.06350000 -7.72459000
227 Zas 43.09885000 -8.91558000