General knowledge of Rondônia the state/province of Brazil

Mostly asked questions about the province Rondônia

What is the country of Rondônia ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Rondônia ?

How many cities are in the state Rondônia ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Rondônia ?

What are the name of cities of Rondônia ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Rondônia

First question is about the country which is Brazil and BR is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Rondônia there is only 56 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Rondônia by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Rondônia
Country Name flag of BR Brazil
Country Code BR
Total States of Brazil 26
Total Cities of State 56

All Cities of Rondônia

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Alta Floresta d'Oeste -12.47107000 -62.13705000
2 Alto Alegre dos Parecis -12.75601000 -61.97971000
3 Alto Paraíso -9.65996000 -63.58719000
4 Alvorada d'Oeste -11.29925000 -62.50152000
5 Ariquemes -9.91333000 -63.04083000
6 Buritis -10.09215000 -63.96964000
7 Cabixi -13.51083000 -60.60257000
8 Cacaulândia -10.32583000 -63.14953000
9 Cacoal -11.43861000 -61.44722000
10 Campo Novo de Rondônia -10.48146000 -63.85192000
11 Candeias do Jamari -8.94512000 -63.35731000
12 Castanheiras -11.42661000 -61.88918000
13 Cerejeiras -13.18319000 -61.47518000
14 Chupinguaia -12.67240000 -60.92622000
15 Colorado do Oeste -13.08252000 -60.49419000
16 Corumbiara -12.87592000 -61.11993000
17 Costa Marques -12.06168000 -64.07323000
18 Cujubim -8.97819000 -62.44252000
19 Espigão d'Oeste -11.46622000 -60.69924000
20 Extrema -9.77136000 -66.35583000
21 Governador Jorge Teixeira -10.78462000 -63.04433000
22 Guajará Mirim -10.78356000 -65.33552000
23 Guajará-Mirim -11.33108000 -64.44095000
24 Itapuã do Oeste -9.03389000 -63.23215000
25 Jaru -10.43889000 -62.46639000
26 Ji Paraná -10.88528000 -61.95167000
27 Ji-Paraná -10.83398000 -61.96014000
28 Machadinho d'Oeste -9.23953000 -62.11241000
29 Ministro Andreazza -11.16029000 -61.56897000
30 Mirante da Serra -11.13706000 -62.86154000
31 Monte Negro -10.30450000 -63.35402000
32 Nova Brasilândia d'Oeste -11.49111000 -62.16495000
33 Nova Mamoré -10.53837000 -64.49429000
34 Nova União -10.94938000 -62.51087000
35 Novo Horizonte do Oeste -11.70769000 -62.07989000
36 Ouro Preto do Oeste -10.74806000 -62.21583000
37 Parecis -12.28659000 -61.31662000
38 Pôsto Fiscal Rolim de Moura -13.08271000 -62.27726000
39 Pimenta Bueno -11.67250000 -61.19361000
40 Pimenteiras do Oeste -13.01273000 -61.73762000
41 Porto Velho -9.20787000 -64.31064000
42 Presidente Médici -11.18523000 -61.94072000
43 Primavera de Rondônia -11.92939000 -61.30611000
44 Rio Crespo -9.71880000 -62.74641000
45 Rolim de Moura -11.75260000 -61.78967000
46 Santa Luzia d'Oeste -12.10467000 -61.79440000
47 São Felipe d'Oeste -11.89774000 -61.47739000
48 São Francisco do Guaporé -12.38313000 -63.12648000
49 São Miguel do Guaporé -11.70783000 -62.93532000
50 Seringueiras -11.92491000 -63.18938000
51 Teixeirópolis -10.99266000 -62.24735000
52 Theobroma -10.10159000 -62.28094000
53 Urupá -11.07917000 -62.38127000
54 Vale do Anari -9.73244000 -61.93919000
55 Vale do Paraíso -10.20652000 -62.06993000
56 Vilhena -12.02062000 -60.27526000