General knowledge of Sergipe the state/province of Brazil

Mostly asked questions about the province Sergipe

What is the country of Sergipe ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Sergipe ?

How many cities are in the state Sergipe ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Sergipe ?

What are the name of cities of Sergipe ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Sergipe

First question is about the country which is Brazil and BR is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Sergipe there is only 75 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Sergipe by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Sergipe
Country Name flag of BR Brazil
Country Code BR
Total States of Brazil 26
Total Cities of State 75

All Cities of Sergipe

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Amparo de São Francisco -10.13736000 -36.92219000
2 Aquidabã -10.31619000 -37.10451000
3 Aracaju -10.98232000 -37.10333000
4 Arauá -11.26222000 -37.61972000
5 Areia Branca -10.75778000 -37.31528000
6 Barra dos Coqueiros -10.90889000 -37.03861000
7 Boquim -11.14694000 -37.62056000
8 Brejo Grande -10.49241000 -36.45883000
9 Campo do Brito -10.73333000 -37.49333000
10 Canhoba -10.14847000 -37.00031000
11 Canindé de São Francisco -9.66000000 -37.78944000
12 Capela -10.50333000 -37.05278000
13 Carira -10.36555000 -37.74990000
14 Carmópolis -10.66710000 -36.95751000
15 Cedro de São João -10.28046000 -36.88830000
16 Cristinápolis -11.47556000 -37.75528000
17 Cumbe -10.34959000 -37.17665000
18 Divina Pastora -10.67935000 -37.16817000
19 Estância -11.23831000 -37.42046000
20 Feira Nova -10.31724000 -37.33850000
21 Frei Paulo -10.52224000 -37.58028000
22 Gararu -9.96750000 -37.08333000
23 General Maynard -10.69412000 -36.98304000
24 Gracho Cardoso -10.23500000 -37.20389000
25 Ilha das Flores -10.44455000 -36.56429000
26 Indiaroba -11.51917000 -37.51167000
27 Itabaiana -10.68500000 -37.42528000
28 Itabaianinha -11.26994000 -37.79205000
29 Itabi -10.10882000 -37.20004000
30 Itaporanga d'Ajuda -11.07087000 -37.33296000
31 Japaratuba -10.59333000 -36.94028000
32 Japoatã -10.34667000 -36.80111000
33 Lagarto -10.89844000 -37.67993000
34 Laranjeiras -10.80700000 -37.16896000
35 Macambira -10.68545000 -37.60003000
36 Malhada dos Bois -10.32806000 -36.93573000
37 Malhador -10.65778000 -37.30472000
38 Maruim -10.73750000 -37.08167000
39 Moita Bonita -10.57750000 -37.34278000
40 Monte Alegre de Sergipe -10.07263000 -37.60470000
41 Muribeca -10.38925000 -36.97628000
42 Neópolis -10.35698000 -36.66870000
43 Nossa Senhora Aparecida -10.29846000 -37.48812000
44 Nossa Senhora da Glória -10.19293000 -37.53292000
45 Nossa Senhora das Dores -10.45356000 -37.24677000
46 Nossa Senhora de Lourdes -10.10241000 -37.02768000
47 Nossa Senhora do Socorro -10.85500000 -37.12611000
48 Pacatuba -10.49466000 -36.60382000
49 Pedra Mole -10.66490000 -37.68505000
50 Pedrinhas -11.21666000 -37.65664000
51 Pinhão -10.57105000 -37.78582000
52 Pirambu -10.69075000 -36.84859000
53 Poço Redondo -9.88033000 -37.77612000
54 Poço Verde -10.81636000 -38.15053000
55 Porto da Folha -9.98927000 -37.48059000
56 Propriá -10.25379000 -36.78579000
57 Riachão do Dantas -11.01281000 -37.78679000
58 Riachuelo -10.71605000 -37.22502000
59 Ribeirópolis -10.52176000 -37.37833000
60 Rosário do Catete -10.68551000 -37.03447000
61 Salgado -11.03194000 -37.47500000
62 Santa Luzia do Itanhy -11.36149000 -37.47848000
63 Santa Rosa de Lima -10.63139000 -37.22866000
64 Santana do São Francisco -10.27648000 -36.63314000
65 Santo Amaro das Brotas -10.78889000 -37.05444000
66 São Cristóvão -11.01472000 -37.20639000
67 São Domingos -10.78191000 -37.56218000
68 São Francisco -10.33062000 -36.86390000
69 São Miguel do Aleixo -10.36859000 -37.35856000
70 Simão Dias -10.71163000 -37.77142000
71 Siriri -10.58724000 -37.12123000
72 Telha -10.17943000 -36.86754000
73 Tobias Barreto -11.07792000 -38.02178000
74 Tomar do Geru -11.37415000 -37.87537000
75 Umbaúba -11.40045000 -37.66270000